Saturday, July 17, 2010

6 days later

Oh my, it's already 6 days later for my daily report. Real life was pretty busy, working 9 hours every day :(
My main Glyph competiter quited the Glyph market because he has reached the Gold Cap. I decided to give it another shot, but on a whole different approach now.

My old way:
Make every Glyph ingame, keep a stock of 10 and try to refill daily, most of time I only did it every 2-3 days.
Put my Threshold (lowest price before I stopped posting) at 3g and my fallback at 50g

My new way:
Craft 5 of each Glyph that is above 30g.
Put my Threshold on 10g and my fallback on 70g.

With my new way of posting I only have to craft 20-50 glyphs every day, and when Glyphs go below 30g I don't have to recraft them till their price is at 30g+ again. I do all this automatic with addons, a list of my gold making addons:
Quick Auctions 3: Used for automatic posting
Skillet + Lil Sparky's Workshop + Kevtool queue + Altoholic: Used to decide wich Glyph to craft, and automatic buying reagents from vendors with one click
Auctioneer: Also needed for Kevtool queue, I run a Auctioneer fast scan and then tell Kevtool queue to only queue glyphs above 30g in Skillet.

I don't have time to go deep into the addon list but I promise I will cover them in newer

With Glyphs my gold per day raised alot, my cost per Glyph is around 3g and even with Glyphs that sell at 10g I still make 7g profit. I think I sell around 40 glyphs around the 30g mark, wich is 1200g and a very realistic number.

I also bought a Battered Hilt for 6500g a couple days ago, with in mind if it doesn't sell in 24 hours for 8400g I will use it on my druid (using a Tower of the Mouldering Corpse now).

But not only I bought things for profit, my Paladin who is level 59 now also got some nice presents from me:
Skullflame Shield
Krol Blade
Myrmidon's Signet

Total cost: 2000g.
I did it just for the looks, if you see this I hope you agree with me:

But that wasn't the only thing I bought. I was doing ICC25 for the first time yesterday, but at the fourth boss the leader decided to ninja all loot. Including a Vanquisher's Mark of Sanctification. I hate ninja's, but he sold it for just 2000g, I just had to buy it because I knew in Gold DKP runs they go for 10K gold, so it was a steal (literally). I was even more lucky, I won the Tier 10 Gloves in VOA25 and the Tier 10 legs in VOA 10, while I was using Furious Gloves and iLvl 226 crafted legs.

Anyways, not alot more to tell.
This brings my total gold to 54873g 97s 87c

Monday, July 12, 2010

Sha'tari Skyguard: Exalted!

After a week casual grinding I did it: Sha'tari Skyguard to exalted wich give me the achievement Flying High Over Skettis

I decided to write a guide on how I got to exalted.

Go to Shattrath next to the Flight Master and accept Threat from Above. You must kill 20 ogre's and return to Yuula. Now accept To Skettis! this quest requires you to go to the Skettis area

You will now unlock Fires Over Skettis wich requires you to mount up your flying mount and bomb the egg nests on top of the towers around the lake.
Also Hungry Nether Rays should be available now.

Main part
The real stuff starts when you've completed the above quests.

The quest World of Shadows is available for you.
You must gather Shadow Dust, this item is pretty easy to get, just kill the Skettis around the lake.

If you completed World of Shadows for the first time Secrets of the Talonpriests is available now. Complete this chain and you will have the repeatable quest Adversarial Blood open.

At this point you should have the following blue quests:

Adversarial Blood - Requires
Akkarai's Talons,
Karrog's Spine,
Gezzarak's Claws
Vakkiz's Scale

More Shadow Dust - Requires 6x Shadow Dust

Strategy to get Exalted

I will now try to explain my way of getting exalted.

First gather some Elixir of Shadows by completing More Shadow Dust.
You will now see the Time-Lost Skettis High Priest who will drop Time-Lost Scroll
Time-Lost Scroll is requires for Adversarial Blood

At this map you will see yellow dots. These are Skull Piles.

If you have 10 Time-Lost Scroll and you click on a Skull Pile you will see this menu:

Each of these monsters drop the item required for Adversarial Blood
I suggest start at the above monster and work trough all the monsters till you have the 4 items.
Just keep killing all the skettis you see, the normal ones will give you Shadow Dust and the Time-Lost will give you the scrolls.

After you collected Akkarai's Talons, Karrog's Spine, Gezzarak's Claws Vakkiz's Scale turn in Adversarial Blood for Time-Lost Offering
Time-Lost Offering gives you the option to summon Terokk, who gives reputation. You can summon Terokk at the middle Island in the lake, but remember his skull pile has a 15 minute respawn time so it might not be usuable

Rep chart
I made a little rep chart to give you an visual idea

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Leveling sunday

Today I didn't do alot of things to make gold. My RAF buddy came online and we decided to level.

My priest went from level 55 to 60 today with him, only 5 more levels to max Enchanting out. I am still thinking what my other profession shall be. I was thinking of Transmute Alchemist, when I get my army of high level characters ready I can take on every character 1 different professions and 1x alchemy transmute for guaranteed money.
Here's a screenshot of my priest at level 60:
I gave 1000g to my raf buddy, that's what I promised him as a bonus when we reach level 60.
Sales were pretty normal today, a Faces of Doom sold, some snowfall inks for someone probably making some last decks and bags as usual. I am completely sold out of flasks, I still have a nice amount of Frost Lotus, Icethorn and Goldclover but no Lichbloom at all. I really need to find some or raise my buying price. Only thing I bought was some Netherweave Cloth for 5g per stack and some Icethorn that was cheap.
This brings my total gold to 42136g 73s 01c. Even after giving 1000g away I still made profit.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Hot saturday

A very very hot Saturday here in Holland, it was 37 degrees celcius outside at work. Normally I can play WOW during work, posting auctions and such, picking up some cheap deals, but not today, too damn hot.

I posted some Snowfall Ink, inscription offhands, some vellums, couple flasks and bags. I'm at home now and got around 1000g more than yesterday, most of the gold came from bags wich sold for 20g each, while each bag cost were only 4g, that's 500% profit!

Also a Faces of Doom and Iron-bound Tome sold too, I usually post these for ~200g while the costs only are 70g (if I bought Snowfall Ink myself)

I still decided to log in for 10 minutes and picked up 40 stacks of Icethorn for only 18g, these will be milled today when I have time, probably while watching Germany-Uruguay tonight.

My total gold now is 42076g 06s 33c

Currently my characters and their proffesions are this:

Death Knight level 80: Alchemy Elixir 450
Priest level 56: Enchanter 300, leveling this priest now to get it maxxed
Paladin level 52: Nothing, leveled with recruit a friend
Druid level 80: Inscription 450 | Tailoring 395 (only wanted to make Netherweave bags, but I want to get into higher level stuff too)

Also got some low level alts, mostly used as bank alts.

Here is a screenshot of my Druid in Ironforge (ofc)

Friday, July 9, 2010

About page

I started playing World of Warcraft in November 2007.
My main character is a Night Elf Druid who basicly lives in Ironforge, that's why I choose the name: The Ironforge Druid.
One of the things I enjoy the most in World of Warcraft is making gold, I love picking up all those shiny coins out of my mail every day.

As I typ this message my current gold is 40941g 03s 69c:

I like to tell my story, I will try to post as much as I can with what I did in World of Warcraft.

I use the addon Multishot to automaticly screenshot when I level up, get an achievement, trade stuff with people, reach an reputation level and kill rare mobs. This makes sure I forget nothing to save for later!!

A rather small introduction post, but this blog was made to keep track for myself.

I use different labels for my posts.

Achievement will find you posts where I talk about different achievements in WOW, how I did them or tips on Achievements
Daily report is a daily post on what I did to make gold today
Tactics will give you posts on different gold making tactics
Addons this tag will find you information about the various addons I use to make WOW even easier
Random will give you posts on random things, like this post