Saturday, July 10, 2010

Hot saturday

A very very hot Saturday here in Holland, it was 37 degrees celcius outside at work. Normally I can play WOW during work, posting auctions and such, picking up some cheap deals, but not today, too damn hot.

I posted some Snowfall Ink, inscription offhands, some vellums, couple flasks and bags. I'm at home now and got around 1000g more than yesterday, most of the gold came from bags wich sold for 20g each, while each bag cost were only 4g, that's 500% profit!

Also a Faces of Doom and Iron-bound Tome sold too, I usually post these for ~200g while the costs only are 70g (if I bought Snowfall Ink myself)

I still decided to log in for 10 minutes and picked up 40 stacks of Icethorn for only 18g, these will be milled today when I have time, probably while watching Germany-Uruguay tonight.

My total gold now is 42076g 06s 33c

Currently my characters and their proffesions are this:

Death Knight level 80: Alchemy Elixir 450
Priest level 56: Enchanter 300, leveling this priest now to get it maxxed
Paladin level 52: Nothing, leveled with recruit a friend
Druid level 80: Inscription 450 | Tailoring 395 (only wanted to make Netherweave bags, but I want to get into higher level stuff too)

Also got some low level alts, mostly used as bank alts.

Here is a screenshot of my Druid in Ironforge (ofc)

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