Saturday, July 17, 2010

6 days later

Oh my, it's already 6 days later for my daily report. Real life was pretty busy, working 9 hours every day :(
My main Glyph competiter quited the Glyph market because he has reached the Gold Cap. I decided to give it another shot, but on a whole different approach now.

My old way:
Make every Glyph ingame, keep a stock of 10 and try to refill daily, most of time I only did it every 2-3 days.
Put my Threshold (lowest price before I stopped posting) at 3g and my fallback at 50g

My new way:
Craft 5 of each Glyph that is above 30g.
Put my Threshold on 10g and my fallback on 70g.

With my new way of posting I only have to craft 20-50 glyphs every day, and when Glyphs go below 30g I don't have to recraft them till their price is at 30g+ again. I do all this automatic with addons, a list of my gold making addons:
Quick Auctions 3: Used for automatic posting
Skillet + Lil Sparky's Workshop + Kevtool queue + Altoholic: Used to decide wich Glyph to craft, and automatic buying reagents from vendors with one click
Auctioneer: Also needed for Kevtool queue, I run a Auctioneer fast scan and then tell Kevtool queue to only queue glyphs above 30g in Skillet.

I don't have time to go deep into the addon list but I promise I will cover them in newer

With Glyphs my gold per day raised alot, my cost per Glyph is around 3g and even with Glyphs that sell at 10g I still make 7g profit. I think I sell around 40 glyphs around the 30g mark, wich is 1200g and a very realistic number.

I also bought a Battered Hilt for 6500g a couple days ago, with in mind if it doesn't sell in 24 hours for 8400g I will use it on my druid (using a Tower of the Mouldering Corpse now).

But not only I bought things for profit, my Paladin who is level 59 now also got some nice presents from me:
Skullflame Shield
Krol Blade
Myrmidon's Signet

Total cost: 2000g.
I did it just for the looks, if you see this I hope you agree with me:

But that wasn't the only thing I bought. I was doing ICC25 for the first time yesterday, but at the fourth boss the leader decided to ninja all loot. Including a Vanquisher's Mark of Sanctification. I hate ninja's, but he sold it for just 2000g, I just had to buy it because I knew in Gold DKP runs they go for 10K gold, so it was a steal (literally). I was even more lucky, I won the Tier 10 Gloves in VOA25 and the Tier 10 legs in VOA 10, while I was using Furious Gloves and iLvl 226 crafted legs.

Anyways, not alot more to tell.
This brings my total gold to 54873g 97s 87c

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