Monday, July 12, 2010

Sha'tari Skyguard: Exalted!

After a week casual grinding I did it: Sha'tari Skyguard to exalted wich give me the achievement Flying High Over Skettis

I decided to write a guide on how I got to exalted.

Go to Shattrath next to the Flight Master and accept Threat from Above. You must kill 20 ogre's and return to Yuula. Now accept To Skettis! this quest requires you to go to the Skettis area

You will now unlock Fires Over Skettis wich requires you to mount up your flying mount and bomb the egg nests on top of the towers around the lake.
Also Hungry Nether Rays should be available now.

Main part
The real stuff starts when you've completed the above quests.

The quest World of Shadows is available for you.
You must gather Shadow Dust, this item is pretty easy to get, just kill the Skettis around the lake.

If you completed World of Shadows for the first time Secrets of the Talonpriests is available now. Complete this chain and you will have the repeatable quest Adversarial Blood open.

At this point you should have the following blue quests:

Adversarial Blood - Requires
Akkarai's Talons,
Karrog's Spine,
Gezzarak's Claws
Vakkiz's Scale

More Shadow Dust - Requires 6x Shadow Dust

Strategy to get Exalted

I will now try to explain my way of getting exalted.

First gather some Elixir of Shadows by completing More Shadow Dust.
You will now see the Time-Lost Skettis High Priest who will drop Time-Lost Scroll
Time-Lost Scroll is requires for Adversarial Blood

At this map you will see yellow dots. These are Skull Piles.

If you have 10 Time-Lost Scroll and you click on a Skull Pile you will see this menu:

Each of these monsters drop the item required for Adversarial Blood
I suggest start at the above monster and work trough all the monsters till you have the 4 items.
Just keep killing all the skettis you see, the normal ones will give you Shadow Dust and the Time-Lost will give you the scrolls.

After you collected Akkarai's Talons, Karrog's Spine, Gezzarak's Claws Vakkiz's Scale turn in Adversarial Blood for Time-Lost Offering
Time-Lost Offering gives you the option to summon Terokk, who gives reputation. You can summon Terokk at the middle Island in the lake, but remember his skull pile has a 15 minute respawn time so it might not be usuable

Rep chart
I made a little rep chart to give you an visual idea

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