Friday, July 9, 2010

About page

I started playing World of Warcraft in November 2007.
My main character is a Night Elf Druid who basicly lives in Ironforge, that's why I choose the name: The Ironforge Druid.
One of the things I enjoy the most in World of Warcraft is making gold, I love picking up all those shiny coins out of my mail every day.

As I typ this message my current gold is 40941g 03s 69c:

I like to tell my story, I will try to post as much as I can with what I did in World of Warcraft.

I use the addon Multishot to automaticly screenshot when I level up, get an achievement, trade stuff with people, reach an reputation level and kill rare mobs. This makes sure I forget nothing to save for later!!

A rather small introduction post, but this blog was made to keep track for myself.

I use different labels for my posts.

Achievement will find you posts where I talk about different achievements in WOW, how I did them or tips on Achievements
Daily report is a daily post on what I did to make gold today
Tactics will give you posts on different gold making tactics
Addons this tag will find you information about the various addons I use to make WOW even easier
Random will give you posts on random things, like this post

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